Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SOT coming up at 1st Assembly

Guys, we are two weeks away from our next meeting at Searcy First Assembly of God. This is promising to be another wonderful spirit filled evening with a bunch of guys who love Jesus and are willing to witness to that fact. Guys our vision and mission with SOT is to impact church going men to witness their love for Jesus to other men in their churches. Talk it up in your church and bring a guy from your church who has not been. We have experienced what this kind of event can do to a luke warm heart. There are lot of guys sitting in the pews who believe there is a God but do not have a relationship with Jesus. I know I've been there. Just invite and bring them and let the Holy Spirit do His work. We will be starting with a great (Man's) meal of Pork Chops and all the good stuff that goes with that. Then we will move into the Beautiful sanctuary and have worship, testimonies and what ever His spirit has in store for us. We will start eating at 6:00 this time so we can be sure that we get started by 7:15 in the Worship. We should be on our way home by 8:30. We are going to have a combine worship team, and 3 testimonies from guys at Assembly. St. Paul will have the Crosses there to be pickup for you and your churches if you want to take several. We are preparing for a large crowd so if you have not let us know please do so. Just hit reply and give me a number. God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sot coming up at 1st Assembly

Guys, I said I would send a email about what we could bring at the next meeting for Hope Cottage & Jacobs Place. Hope Cottage is home for battered women and Jacobs Place is the family homeless shelter both are located in Searcy. Both are always in need of the same things. So when you come this time here are some things that you could bring. Paper towels, toilet paper, soap, dishwasher soap, spray disinfectant, bleach, washing powder, Lysol, cleaning liquids, you get the picture. There will be containers when you come in the doors at Assembly to put them in. Our meeting is beginning to shape up things are falling into place and it looks like we are going to have just awesome night. I'm so excited. Our God is so good. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Sot fairgrounds

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sot coming up at 1st Assembly

Guys, Pastor Ables called me today and said that he had 3 testimonies line up. He was just checking make sure that was ok. He said they ordered the Pork Chops today also. He said that his men were very excited about hosting and he expecting it to be a wonderful night at Assembly. I told him if he had any questions to just give me a call. I also we told him that we would meet one more time before the meeting just to make sure that we are all on the same page. God Bless


Friday, March 11, 2011

Sons of Thunder at the fair grounds

John, as long as SOT never becomes organized religion, anything other than “Jesus Christ and what the spirit leads”, it will continue to grow. There is a completely non-assuming atmosphere in these meetings; men are there because they want to be; they are looking for fellowship with God’s men, and, that in these days of the world, even in our churches (buildings) is so hard to find. They want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ without personal recognition……….Praise be to God the maker of Love.
David Evans

David, that is the whole premise of SOT it is all about Jesus nothing else. We don't want the guys to have any expectation of them when they come except fellowship, worship and experiencing the love and grace of Jesus through personal testimonies. We don't have a budget, doctrine or building and never will have. What you have seen is all you are going to see. We want men to come, but we certainly don't want them to think they have to come. We see that in our churches. Thank you for your interest and input. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Sons of Thunder at the fair grounds

John it was a great night for the Lord! Thought you might like to know that we handed out 350 crosses which was actually 75 more than was handed out at Vallet Baptist. Thank you all for letting us be a part of SOT.
Your Brothers in Christ,
Saint Paul Meth Men

I have thought about the brother whose testimony talked about having blood of innocent people on his hands. I think we all can related to this when I consider that the blood of Jesus was on my hands because He died for my sins.
The wonderful part about having the blood of Jesus on me is that it washes me whiter than snow! Praise His name for the precious gift given to us on the cross.
I am grateful to the men who began SOT. Thank you, John for bringing this to Searcy. May this continue to prosper and grow and reach out to all of Arkansas.
In Him,

Sons of Thunder at the fair grounds

I can't imagine anyone walking away from the meeting last night and feeling any different than I do about our awesome God. I always come away from the meetings excited and refreshed. In fact, I'm always disappointed when I'm unable to attend due to other scheduled events involving my children. I'm thankful that our track meet was canceled.
Our young men need to be hearing these testimonies. Every father struggles with his own sinful nature and the difficulty of raising his boy to be a man of God. It obvious that our young men struggle with the things of the world too! They're constantly bombarded with the lies of what being a man is all about. I believe these testimonies share great insight to what it means to be a man of God. They are powerful stories about growth, transformation, love, grace, forgiveness, obedience, struggles, fighting, submission, surrender, godliness, salvation, etc. In essence, it's all about Jesus Christ!
Roddy Mote

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SOt at Fair grounds

Another Great night last night, God bless you & your Organization team. The Sprit was Moving again Last night And it makes me Proud to see some of the 20 & 30 yr old filled with the spirit.

SOT at Fair grounds

Hey John,
Just wanted you to know that I had a guy with me last night that was his first SOT meeting and he left with tears in his eyes, said he had never seen a group of guys come together and worship Jesus like we did last night. Thank you guys for having the vision the courage to do this in this county. God bless you all!

Great meeting of SOT last night. This is my third time and I'm always inspired and a better man from being there. Thanks for all the work that you and the other guys do to put it on. I believe God is working through the SOT to bring revival to the men in the Searcy area and in turn blessing the families, women and children.
What do I need to do to get some t-shirts? I need one for myself, my son and three for guys in my prayer group - 5 shirts. I can get sizes. Thanks.

Sons of Thunder at the fair grounds

Guys, just a few thoughts about last night. We had the biggest attendance of any meeting so far. We tried to count and it is hard as you can imagine. The best we could come up with was approximately 535 guys show up. The guys from Fellowship Bible did a wonderful job with the food, worship and testimonies. We collected 277 jars of peanut butter and 139 jars of jelly this will really help those who are in need that come to God Sam. This being the first time we have been at the Fairgrounds we were a little apprehensive about it but the Holy Spirit show up in a big way. That just tells me it is not the church building, it is the guys who are His church, His disciple's, His hands and feet. This one other thought, on one of the sign up sheets we had 14 men from 10 different churches that is an amazing sign of unity. Our unity in our love of Jesus is just awesome. We love you guys and may God continue to bless you and yours.