Sons of Thunder, we are a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at the White County Fairgrounds. The church sponsors are First United Methodist and St. Paul United Methodist. We met and had a planing meeting and we are excited about what His Holy Spirit is going to have for us on August 9th. First starting at 6:00 p.m. we will be having Baby Back Ribs again with all the good stuff that goes with them. Our guys are looking forward to spending the day in fellowship with our brothers from St. Paul smoking 250 racks of ribs. We will be having a combine worship team of guys from both churches. St. Paul has two men with powerful testimonies, Lee Stephenson and Al Fiscus are going to bless us with the story of their walk with the Lord. It looks like it is going to continue to be very hot but for those who don't know we will be eating and worshiping inside under air conditioning. We also are planing a special time of prayer for our students and teachers as they prepare to return to school. Because of what we are having for the meal it is important to let us know if you are coming and how many will be with you. We want to make sure we have enough ribs for everybody. So start talking it up and invite someone who has not yet come. We will be bringing some item for one of the Ministry in the county. I will tell you about that in the next email. May God continue to Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ