Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

SOT 12-14-2010 FUMC

Video clip will b posted next week guys of the night.

SOT 12-14-2010 FUMC

Thank you. You just have no idea how I needed to be there, and the awesome impact it had on me. Especially thanks to Sid for the powerful reminder of the King.
I am truly blessed to be a part of this group.

Douglas Leckie

SOT 12-14-2010 FUMC

Great job John !! $2,000 raised is a great accomplishment !! I really enjoyed being in the sanctuary after the meal - that helped make the night for me !! FUMC is giving it all they've got & it shows big-time. That leadership, that you are a big part of, is making others want to step up be an active part of a great team for God in our community. Keep it up !! Thanks again, Al

SOT 12-14-2010 FUMC

> Guys, just a little note about what happen at the SOT meeting Tuesday night just
> in case you missed it. We had another wonderful night, I keep thinking after the
> last meeting that there is no way He can top that one but He has done it again.
> We had over 300 men at FUMCSearcy didn't get a exact count but we had seating in
> Yancey hall for 285 and there were a lot of guys standing up. The Catfish was
> great and there was plenty of it. We had gotten extra because we thought that
> there was going to be more men there than who told us they were coming. I had
> 242 on the list that said they were coming. It is important to let us know so we
> can be prepared with enough food. We moved to the sanctuary after eating, and it
> was a very special evening with Sid Langley introducing Jesus Christ to our
> group. Then we had two powerful testimonies given by Greg Geroy and Jon
> Stubbs. The worship was just wonderful by the praise team. We ran a little late
> as you know we try to be on our way home by 8:30 but this one went a little
> longer. Our next meeting will be at Downtown Church of Christ and it looks to be
> very special. Pastor David Mathews said they had room for 1000 men so lets see
> if we can fill it up. We had this meal paid by a anonymous donor so the money
> that was collected is going to be given to the White County Foster Parents Asso.
> We were hoping for $2000.00 and we got $2005.00! God is good! So the next
> meeting will be January 11.2011 at 6:30 at DTCC. I will send our a e-mail with
> further information as we get closer to the next meeting. God Bless
> Your Brother In Christ
> John Byrd

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Women Praying for SOT

I stand in awe at the wonder of our God and what He is doing in these last days. As He prepares His bride to usher in His kingdom - I am humbled and excited to be part of what He is doing and how He is moving. Thank you Father!!!!

It was such a privilege to come together in prayer for Sons of Thunder and
our community. What a blessing! Prayer is powerful and makes things happen.
I challenge other Sisters in Christ to join in this prayer move. The Holy
Spirit is moving and we want to go forward.


> I was humbled by the sheer intensity and fellowship we shared last night.
> Thank you, thank you, thank you for the blessings of sharing and the
> privilege of praying together!
> I look forward to our next meeting.
> By His grace!
> Cheryl

Wow!!!!! 400 men?! No wonder we felt the Holy Spirit so strong!! It was a
>> privilege to be there in God's house interceding for the men! It was
>> mine (Scotty) was blessed!! As was our home & family! :) His spirits
>> were so
>> high....awesome!! Thank you, John & Carl & many others for seeing SOT
>> thru to
>> what it's becoming! If you hadn't surrendered to what & how God wanted to
>> move
>> thru our community, we wouldn't be getting this blessing! I'm eternally
>> grateful
>> for all of you & what you're doing! And it was such a pleasure to meet
>> Linda!!!
>> Christ's love & peace to all on this lovely, rainy day!!!!
>> Annette Parker

Next SOT DEC.14

Hey Guys, Just a little update on our next meeting. We will be meeting at FUMC
Searcy it is shaping up to be another wonderful evening. We are planning to have

Catfish and all the trimmings. We are going to have a couple of testimonies
and worship with our praise team. I mention at our last meeting that we are
going to have a special

collection for the White County Foster Parents Asso. This is going to be for
teen age foster kids so they can have a special Christmas. It has been brought
to our attention that this group of young people is the hardest to buy for.
We have had a person step up and say he will take care of the meal.This means

the money that is collected in the food line will go to the kids. So we will

only one collection and it will all go for the kids. When you put money in
the basket for the meal be generous as you can. We also are planning to go into
the sanctuary for our worship. So start talking it up and invite a friend lets
make this one another special night to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sot at FBC

There were 400 men show up for worship that night and what a night it was. There were men at the alter during the night getting real with God and asking for prayer for there families. Sorry it took me so long to get the film clip up to get a small look of how the night went. Glory to God in the Highest.

Sot at FBC

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I was at the Sons of Thunder last Tuesday. It was very pleasing
and I needed it at that very moment. I thank Chad for inviting me. It was very
uplifting and really what I needed. God had it all planned and I am glad I
didn't turn my back on it.

Again Thanks it was very moving and a great thing this group is doing.

Thank You,

Jeff Wilmath

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another Tuesday night Testimony

Guys, Carl called me today he was on the way to a retreat in Kentucky. He said
that this last meeting was just awesome and he could just feel the presence of
the Holy Spirits. He said it is real important for us not to change anything.
That doing testimonies, worship and prayer is simple but powerful. He told me in
all of his experiences including even Promise Keepers he has never felt the over
powering presence of the Holy Spirit at a meeting with men as he has with these
meetings. He said he just can't explain it, that it has to be God has got his
hand on this ministry. Please keep praying for SOT. God Bless

Your Brother In Christ

Tuesday night Oct 12 2010

Guys, I am again just blown away by another awesome night. Each one we have it
is just like it can't get any better but it does. Thanks for all your hard work
and passion for this ministry. We had some guys with us tonight that I have
never seen. Everything was just perfect again. God is Good, All the time, all
the time, God is Good. We cleared over $600.00! Love you guys. God bless


Tuesday night Oct 12 2010

What night, before the guys giving there testimony could get finished the crowd of men present would start clapping for them in there victory over there past live. God is so good. Justin did a live skit and the place errupted with cheers of joy. If you were not there need to make the next one in November. It will b the 9th at First Baptist Church in Searcy. The are calling it burger, fries and home made pies night with a multi generation of testimonies.From the youngest to the oldest you don't need to miss this one and all you fathers out there bring you sons if you can.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Next meeting

The next meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, at the First United Methodist Church’s Yancey Hall, 304 N. Main St. in Searcy. Any Christian man is invited to attend; however, the group requests an e-mail confirmation to ensure that there will be enough food to go around. To confirm or to get more information on the Sons of Thunder, e-mail Byrd at

Sons of Thunder storm through the state by Jeanni Brosius

SEARCY — A small group of five Searcy men believe they are being guided. Although they know which direction they are headed, they’re still unclear on the impact or the outcome. John Byrd, Sid Langley, Gene Morris, Greg Rowden and Jay Jordan are the base of the new Christian men’s group Sons of Thunder that seems to be taking Arkansas by storm.

“We were at a men’s retreat, and a handful of men felt like the women were leaving us behind in the church,” Jordan said. “We wondered what we could do when we got back. We were all sitting in a room, and we all said God is calling us to something bigger. Then John said, ‘Let me tell you about this group I met in Alabama.’ Then we all got chills.”

The group Byrd met, which was in Tuscaloosa, Ala., had changed its name, opened up to other churches and grew by leaps and bounds.

“I thought about that and brought it back here,” Byrd said.

The five men, who were part of a men’s group at First United Methodist Church in Searcy, were concerned about the attendance of men’s-group meetings being so low.

“We changed our name to Sons of Thunder, we meet once a month, and we opened it up to any Christian man in the area,” Byrd said. “The first meeting we had over 90, then 210 at the second and between 450 and 500 last month.”

Sons of Thunder stems from Mark 3:17, which reads “James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder).”

In a matter of five months, the attendance moved from about six or seven men to nearly 500.

“It was a jaw-dropping experience for all of us,” Morris said about the numbers. “It started out with five guys with a vision from the Lord who put it in our hearts to do this.”

At last count, the Sons of Thunder had 26 different churches over eight counties, and groups in Heber Springs and Cabot are forming on the same model.

“It’s not a First Methodist thing,” Byrd said about the fact that all five founders are members of First United Methodist Church of Searcy. “It’s a God thing; it’s a Jesus thing.”

The nondenominational group has no budget, no agenda and no dues. Dinner is served at each meeting at no charge. A basket sits at the end of the table for those who can donate to cover the cost of the food.

“We take up a collection to pay for the food only,” Morris said. “Everybody can donate, but if you can’t, that’s OK, too.”

Because the group is still new and finding its direction, plans for charitable work is in the future. Men can add their e-mail addresses to a list, and they are notified when volunteers are needed for such things as clearing away storm damage, Habitat for Humanity or other community services.

“Looking down the road, when you’ve got 400 men who will step up and say, ‘Put me in, Coach,’ you can move cities and mountains,” Rowden said.

The men share stories and realize that they aren’t alone, and they all have the same feelings, fears and responsibilities in life.

“It’s causing men to rise up and be the head of their households,” Langley said. “Men are hungry for this. ... These men get to see other men struggle with the same things.”

Christian men from Searcy, and the Three Rivers area, all the way to Russellville and Malvern, attend the monthly meetings.

“My vision is for this to reach to other counties and us all have a statewide meeting once a year,” Byrd said.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

At the River by John Byrd

Hey Guys, just some post meeting thoughts. We did not get two counts that were
the same so I'm going to say we had around 450 men and young men. I don't think
that we got enough donation for the food but Doug said that he was happy and
blessed with what was received. The food was wonderful for those of you who for
some reason or another could not make it the Who Dat's crew really out did all
expectation. The fellowship during the meal under that tent was something that I
will never forget.The weather could not have been any better. We were blessed by
the worship team again! Just a thought on that if there were any complaints it
was that some of us got real tired standing for that long of time. Guys please
feel free to sit down when it goes long. Nobody is going to think any worse of
you if you do. I just love the worship but I sat and got up several times. The
guys from River of Life went the extra mile to make all of us welcome. The John
3:16 Ministry was just awesome. Their testimonies were very good and to the
point. I know that it touch some guys who are having those problems. I thought
every speaker who spoke from Sid to Carl and everybody in between were Holy
Spirit lead. If any of you have any suggestion about what we can do to improve
our meetings feel free to e-mail us. Or if you have any testimonies about how it
has affected you in your walk we would also appreciate hearing about them.
Remember next month we will be back at First United Methodist Searcy. Come
November we are going to meet at First Baptist Searcy. If your church is
interested in hosting a SOT meeting lets us know. Guys don't forget if you are a
Golfer, Holiday Hills United Methodist Church is haveing a benefit golf
tournament for their FEED THE HUNGRY ministry next Saturday at Indian Hills Golf
Course at Fairfield Bay. Please call Bobby Brittain 501-825-7289 or
501-250-7391. God Bless

Your Brother In Christ
John Byrd

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

At The River of Life meeting

The word being used today from the event was WOW!!! Be expecting great things to happen when over 400 men get together for Christ!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Date change

Hey guys we are changing the date for our next meeting to July the 13th at 6:30 pm and the menu will be brisket and all the extras. We have a lot of good response to our last meeting and looking forward to greater things to come. People from all over the state are asking about this Sons of Thunder thing going on with a bunch of men. Come be a part of something Big in our Lord!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2nd night for Sons of Thunder

Wow what a night!!! Where did the time go ? You would have never known that worship and prayer time lasted for 2 1/2 hrs with a group of men. There was a lot of men sharing with other men after Al finished his testimony. Al let men know that it was OK to let go and let the Holy Spirit take charge.
This group of men consumed nearly 125lbs of fish,35lbs. of fries, a lot of cold slaw / hush puppies,10 gal. of tea, 5 gal of lemonade, and about 15 gal of good old ice water. It was our pleasure to fix all this stuff for these guys.
The music was just outstanding!! Nothing like 200 men singing There is a River and letting go when we got to the part of washed my sins away. They were singing at the top of there voices,(raising the roof) as an old country boy would say. MAN WERE WE BLESSED!!

Until next time ( July 6 ) see you then and bring a friend!

Monday, May 31, 2010


What are the Sons of Thunder?
Men who seek to break down barriers and honor and worship Jesus together. We want to honor God and allow his presence and love to change us into better disciples.
Who can attend these meetings?
All men who seek to know Jesus better. This is a nondenominational movement. We want this to be about Jesus and not about a building.
Where did the name Sons of Thunder come from?
Mark 3:17 Jesus gave James and John the name of Boanerges, which means “Sons of Thunder”
How often will this group meet?
We plan on meeting the first Tuesday of every month.
Where will this group meet?
We envision moving this meeting into various different churches and community locations.
What is the goal or objective?
Strengthen one another as believers in Christ. And spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to unify the men from our community for Christ.
Will this group do any outreach?
Yes. We hope to work together to change our community for the better. We want to show Christ and spread the Gospel any chance we get.

Is there a website for Sons of Thunder?
Yes. The new site is:

Sons of

The day is getting closer to our next Sons of Thunder meeting. So excited to be able to cook for you guys and to worship together as a group of believing men that Jesus is the answer and the way.
Here is a youtube link to the new slideshow of our last meeting, .

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Photos of Last Meeting of Sons of Thunder

This is just one of many photos taken at our 1st Sons of Thunder meeting in Searcy, Ar. We fed nearly 100 men rib eye stakes, had a worship service that was 2nd to none, and testimonies from several of the men.
This is going to be a once a month event to get men in the community fired up about Jesus and to be the men we are called to be in Christ Jesus.
Our next event will be June 1st 6:30 pm at 1st United Methodist Church in Searcy,Ar. Serving catfish and all the trimmings.
Our goal is," every man welcome and no man left behind".