Monday, May 16, 2011

SOT in Heber Springs

Guys, we are just a week away from the first Sons of Thunder meeting at Heber Springs. They are meeting at First United Methodist Church Heber Spring. They will start serving country ribs with all the fixings at 6:00 p.m. after they will have worship, two powerful testimonies by Vietnam Vets and what ever the Holy Spirit decides to do. There will be several of us leave from First Methodist Searcy if you would like to ride let me know. If we have enough we will take a bus. I have had a good response from those that intend to go so if you are planning to go let me know or call FUMC Heber Springs. We will be leaving around 5:15 or so. Lets try to support these guys for this very important meeting. The date is next Monday May 23rd. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ
John Byrd

Sunday, May 8, 2011

SOT coming up Fair Grounds

Guys, tomorrow remind the men about SOT on Tuesday. Remember we are after that man that goes to church,leaves, and doesn't think about Jesus until the next Sunday. I know all about him. I lived that for 39 years. The man that professes to be a Christian but is in the world 367 hours a week. The man that knows there is a God but doesn't have a relationship with Jesus. It is our job to bring him so he can witness other men worshiping and giving testimonies about how Jesus has change their lives. Don't take no for a answer go and pick up him. I am expecting all of us to bring someone new this time. How could a one resist King Kat catfish, with beans, french fires, slaw, hush puppies, and home made brownies by the ladies from St. Mary's. Gene and the boys are going to be leading worship, Pastor Gant has two men from his church giving testimonies, some men from John 3:16 will have a short talk, Pastor Gant has a little surprise. St. Paul will have the crosses to give away. Remember bottle water leave it at the door. Find out tomorrow and try to let me know how many by Monday. But if you can't let me know come anyway. We will start at 6:00 and should have you on the way home by 8:30 full of catfish and the Holy Spirit. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother In Christ

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Next meeting

Guys, we are little more than a week away from our next meeting which will be at 6:00 White County Fairgrounds. We are being hosted by St. Marys CME and First United Methodist Searcy. Maybe you have heard or read about there being a shortage of catfish well we have secured enough we think for all that come to have all they want. So when you come be ready to be fed a great catfish dinner with all the fixings it did cost more so think of that when you put your donation in for the meal. We have not had a meeting that did not pay for the dinner by donation yet. We've had guys ask us how long were we going to continue to have a meal? We think that is a very important part of our meeting, a time of fellowship with other men who love Jesus and as long as it is possible it will happen. Pastor Gant has two guys who have powerful testimonies and are ready to share them with us. Worship will be lead by Gene and the guys with a couple of surprises thrown in. So come ready to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in a big way. Remember bring your sons, your father, your brother, your co-worker, your neighbors and especially the guy who sets next to you in your church. Our mission is to get that luke warm fellow church goer on fire for the Lord so spread the word. It is all about Jesus. We are bringing bottle water for the White County Law Enforcement Officers just put them inside the door as you come in. If you have not already let us know do so by hiting reply with a number of how many are coming. Looking forward to seeing and being bless again by the face of Jesus as you come in. We love you guy's and may God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Chris