Sons of Thunder, we are now three days away from our next meeting. We will be at River of Life, just in case you don't know where the River is it is the first exit north of Searcy on 67-167. You will see it from the road we will have the big tent right in front it. Remember we will be collecting peanut butter for the Good Samaritan ministry so if you would, bring a jar of peanut butter. "Who Dat's" are doing the meal of Catfish and Red Beans and rice. Donations will be collected for the meal. After some wonderful fellowship with hundreds of Christian men. We will then go into the sanctuary for worship, testimonies, and prayer. So come and expect to experience the real presence of the Holy Spirit.  If you have not let us know would you please do, so we can prepare enough food. Remember Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ