Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Next meeting at Trinity

Sons of Thunder, we are just two weeks away from our next meeting. We are going to be at Trinity Baptist Church in Searcy. The address is 1601 East Moore St. It is right across from the Searcy Municipal Pool or one block behind USA Drug on Race St. We will have the big tent put up in the parking lot. We will start at 6:00 p.m with a Hamburger cook out with all the good stuff that goes with that. After the meal and fellowship we will go into the beautiful sanctuary for prayer, worship and testimonies. The men from Trinity are looking forward to sharing their love for Jesus with like minded men. We hope you were able to see our ministry featured on THV11 last Wednesday night. They did a great job with telling about SOT and what it is all about. You can go to THV11"s website and see it. Just in case you have not heard it or have forgotten SOT is all about Jesus and the men who love Him and want to help His Holy Spirit bring men to a loving relationship with Him. Sid said it best. "We have no building, no money, and no agenda only Jesus." We are not trying to take men from their churches. On the contrary, we love all the churches and only hope to strengthen them through their men.
The movie Courageous is coming out Sept. 30th we hope it will be here in Searcy. If not I encourage everybody to call the local theater and ask for it. It is a great movie for family and especially for men. So start talking it up and spreading the word to your friends about our Oct 11th meeting. We have started a list of those coming please let us know as soon as possible so we can have a good count. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hank & Bandera

Hey guys just letting you know that Hanks program the other night is on the web site in full length just click on the video's and it will link you right up. You will b able to start seeing the testimonies at full length on sonsofthunderhq.com. from now on. We will also keep the blog going for info and other things going on with Sons of Thunder events and comments from you. thanks so much for making this an unbelievable movement of men coming together for one reason to worship our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sons of Thunder at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are meeting at Valley Baptist Church Hwy 36 west at 6:00 p.m. Sept. 13th. Barbecue pork,and all the fix-en's. Testimonies, worship, and prayer. Special appearance by Hank Hough with Kingdom Dog Ministry. Bring men's toiletries for the John 3:16 Ministry. Women are meeting at Trinity Baptist for prayer at 6:30 Tuesday night. Bring a friend or neighbor that has not come yet. If possible let us know if are coming. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, September 9, 2011

Next Tuesday at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now less than a week away from our next meeting. Valley Baptist Church, 6:00 p.m.,Tuesday September 13th. This is going to be a very special SOT. Valley has invited Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry to bless us with this special way of sharing the Gospel. You may go to (Kingdomdog.com) and get a preview of his ministry using Labrador Retrievers. What a great night to bring sons and grandsons and friends who are hunters and have Labradors retrievers. We will start with a great meal of barbecue pork and all that goes with that prepared by the men from Valley. One of our guys, Greg Rowdin,will start the evening off with a touching personal story about fathers and sons. Gene and the praise team will be on hand to bless us with some awesome worship. We know there are a lot of things going on next Tuesday. We do want to make sure that you vote if you live in White county so don't forget to do that. So this Sunday make sure that all the men at your church know about Sons of Thunder this Tuesday. Make a special effort to bring that guy who has not come. Our job is to bring them and then let the Holy Spirit do the rest. The ladies will be meeting at Trinity Baptist Tuesday night praying for us to have a great spirit filled evening. Remember, bring some kind of men's toiletries (soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, aftershave) this will be given to the John 3:16 Ministry. We really need for you to let us know if you are planning to come if you have not done so please do. Looking forward to seeing you all again. God bless

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sons of Thunder coming at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, I know there are guys that you work with, you play with, you fish with, you hunt with that are lost. They have no idea about the Gospel. The first important idea is they don't know that"Jesus loves them and there is nothing they can do about it". It doesn't make any difference how deep a hole they have dug in the pit of life. He still loves them! The second important idea to communicate is that no amount of human effort can ever make someone "right " with God. The key point for them to understand is that the debt they owed has already been paid in full. Jesus died on the cross for our sins in the past, now ,and the future! The third important idea is there is a decision to made regarding the first two ideas. That once someone asks Christ to pay his penance, Christ joyfully does so! The bible says that when that happens there is a celebration in heaven! So this is my prayer for you, is to pray for that special man that God will go before you, make the way, soften a heart and readies his spirit so you can give him these three simple points of salvation. Be that witness in their lives and bring them to Valley Baptist Church Sept.13th for a awesome night of worship. Sons of Thunder is all about Jesus nothing more or less! Love you guys God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sons of Thunder at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now little more than a week away from our next meeting. Valley Baptist Church, September 13th starting at 6:00 p.m. For those who are from out of town Valley is on Hwy 36 west in Searcy. This will be the second time that we get to experience the fellowship and hospitality of this special Church. The men are preparing a great meal of smoke pulled pork and all the good stuff that goes with that. We will bless the John 3:16 Ministry with men toiletries ( soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste,) a container will be at the front door.. We have a great night planned. After the meal we will go into the sanctuary . We will begin with a welcome by Greg Rowdin and some special insights on fathers and sons. You will be blessed. Gene and the praise and worship team will then prepare our hearts through some wonderful worship. We have a little different night on tap. Pastor Hays will then introduce our special guest for the evening. Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry will be on hand with his Labrador Retrievers and a special night of witness for the Lord. This is the night that you need to bring son's and grandson's. Pastor Tim Noah from Trinity Baptist will then close with prayer an a invitation to come to Trinity next month We are planning to be on the way home by 8:30 so it will not be too late for the boys on a school night. So start preparing to come, talk it up in church this weekend, bring someone who has not come yet. We have started a list of those who have let us know if they are coming so if you have not please do so. From all indication this will be an awesome night for the kingdomof our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I'm getting excited just writing about it. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ