Thursday, December 29, 2011

Next meeting at first Assembly

Sons of Thunder, we are now just two weeks away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at First Assembly of God in Searcy. It is located just behind Wendy's on Benton St. What a great privilege it is to be back with these guys and worship our Lord with them. The menu has not been set but you know it will be great if you remember what it was the last time we were there. We are being hosted by our fellow brothers in Christ from the Nazarene churches in addition to the men from First Assembly. So start talking it up in church, and this time try to invite a friend who has not come. Remember we do not have any kind of agenda. Our whole purpose is to once a month bring guys together for fellowship and worship with other men who love Jesus. We hope you had a blessed Christmas and wish you a happy and safe New Year. If you plan to come try to let us know so we can get a count for the meal. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sons of Thunder at 1st Methodist

Guys we had 20 Briskets, 18 tubs of cold slaw, 18 tubs of potato salad, 12 big cans of Beans, 20 loafs of bread. There was nothing left what a night just thought we would let you know these facts.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dennis Rine,s testimony at the last Sons of Thunder

Dennis Rine's testimony of his daughter's life

Dennis Rine's testimony of his daughter's life

"Dennis gave a powerful testimony of the life of his daughter Denise Rine and how God has seen them through. Jesus used Dennis in a powerful way at Sons of Thunder to touch the hearts of the 500 men that showed up on a Tuesday night in Dec."

Involves Sid Langley.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Next meeting at First Methodist

Sons of Thunder, we are now less than a week away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at First United Methodist Church Searcy December 13 starting at 6:00 p.m. in Yancey Hall. We are having Hickory Smoke Beef Brisket with all the good stuff that goes with that. A very special evening is planned we will go into the Sanctuary for worship and prayer. Our focus for the evening is fitting for the season which is Hope. Dennis Rine will talk about the tragic death of his daughter and the hope that the death of our Savior Jesus Christ on the cross has provided for us. This is one SOT that you don't want to miss.
Parking we know will be at a premium so we have talk with First Security Bank which is directly across the street from the church. We can use their parking lot. Also there is parking in the city parking lot across from our youth building and behind the youth building. We will have guys in the parking lots to aid in parking. First Baptist men are providing golf carts for transporting guys to and from those lots. What a great spirit of unity in Christ there is in SOT.
Remember, we are helping Jacobs Place Family Homeless Shelter with cleaning supplies, soap, paper towels, tolet paper, all the type of stuff that is needed in our homes is also needed for this very worthy ministry. If you would like to donate money just put your check or cash in the container in the food line. Everything over the cost of the meal will go to Jacobs Place. All the money made from the sale of SOT t-shirt will also be given to Jacobs Place.
If you are planning to come spread the word. Make an announcement in your church if you can. Bring a friend, son, father, grandfather, cousin. Let us know. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, December 2, 2011

Next meeting at First Methodist

Sons of Thunder, just an update on our up and coming meeting on Dec. 13th. We will be meeting at First United Methodist Searcy at 6:00 p.m. We will begin in Yancey Hall with a meal of Hickory Smoke Brisket and all the good stuff that goes with that. Then we will go into the Sanctuary for a evening of prayer, worship, and some powerful sharing of God's love, hope, and mercy. Dennis Rine will be sharing with us his story of how God has used the circumstance of his daughters death in a powerful way. Don't miss this meeting it will bring to light the hope that we have in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The worship promises to be awesome with Gene and the guys and the men from Downtown Church of Christ will be sharing their talents in song.
This month we are going to try to help Jacobs Place Homeless Shelter. If you are not familiar with this ministry it is a homeless shelter for families. It is located in Searcy it admitted it's first family in March of 2008 sense that time it has help over 90 families with housing. The shelter has room for four families at one time and has stayed full almost all the time sense it open. It is part of the Ministerial Alliance of Searcy and is totally supported by charitable contribution. We are asking for you to bring paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, cleaning supplies, personal toiletries , washing powder, dish washing soap and hand soap. If you would like to contribute money put it in the baskets in the food line everything that is brought in above the cost of food will go to Jacobs Place. Also if you have not bought a SOT tee shirt and would like one we are giving all that we take in from the sale of t-shirts this month to Jacobs Place.
The ladies will be meeting at First Assembly of God on Benton st. at 6:30 to pray for us as we meet. I will send out another e-mail to talk about parking and other updates. We really need to have some kind of idea of how many men we will have coming. We will have enough food for 500 but if you are coming please let us know. May His angels guard and protect you and yours. God bless

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Next meeting at First Methodist

Guys, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. We are a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will meet December 13th, 6:00 p.m., First United Methodist Church Searcy. We had planned to meet at the fairgrounds again but decided to meet FUMC because of it being so close to the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that it would be more fitting. We have an awesome night planned to honor Him. We will begin with a meal in Yancey Hall. We are having Brisket with all the good stuff that men like. We are still in the planning stage of the ministry we intend to help this month. We will send that information out in our next email. Our group is planning to meet next week to finalize our night's program. This will be a very special night of SOT, so bring the guy who you have been trying to get to come. Also fathers, a great night for son's to witness your love for Jesus. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, November 7, 2011

Next meeting at First Baptist

Guys, just a short reminder. I forgot in the last email to remind you to bring peanut butter or a blanket for the Good Samaritan Ministry. We will have a truck for you to put it into at the South west entrance. This is a very worthy cause many families depend on it every month. See you Tuesday 6:00 First BaptistSearcy. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Next meeting at First Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we will meeting at First Baptist Church Searcy 105 S. Spring St. on Tuesday Nov. 8th. at 6:00 p.m. We are excited to be back with our brothers from FBC. The men are preparing deer chili and white chili with cobbler and Yarnell's ice cream. After the meal and fellowship in the family life hall we will go into the sanctuary. Another spirit filled evening beginning with worship by Gene and the guys. We will then have Milton Lee speak about what Jesus has done in his life and bless us with his gift of music and song. We will have a couple of surprises even to us. We never know what He is going to bring to us. So talk it up, invite a guy to come with you,bring your son or son's bring your dad. If you can announce it at church this Sunday please do so. Try to let us know if you are coming and how many by Monday. Remember we will have you on the way home by 8:30. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Next meeting at 1st Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now a week away from our next meeting. First Baptist Church Searcy is the location time is 6:00 p.m. on Nov. 8th. The men from FBC are preparing Chili and Cobbler top off with Ice Cream. They have a powerful evening in store for us. Milton Lee will be there to share his love for the Lord with a very powerful testimony and his music.
I have talked with the good people from Good Sam's and they said that they are just about out of Peanut Butter so it would be good if we could replenish there supply. Also if you feel so led this is the time of year that they could use blankets. So either peanut butter or a blanket would be great.
The ladies will be meeting at First Methodist Searcy in the Chapel to pray for us as we meet at FBC. The ladies have had a organizational meeting to start a ladies ministry similar to SOT. So let your ladies know that something is in the works for them.
We had our team meeting tonight prayed for continued participation from men from all over central Arkansas. Thanks for the feed back that was sent to us. We know men's life's have been changed by the fellowship, prayers, testimonies and witness of guys loving Jesus. Remember that is the only thing this is about. So if you would let us know if you are coming it help us out to have some kind of count. Love you guys God Bless.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, October 24, 2011

Guys I hope to have the video's up soon of our last meeting just have been real busy down in Hope, Ar. having a great revival.

Next meeting at First Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now 2 weeks away from our next meeting November 8th. We will be meeting at First Baptist Church Searcy 105 S. Spring St. We had a planning meeting today with the men from First Baptist and they are excited about having us there for worship. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. with Deer chili or white chili and cobbler and ice cream. We will go into the sanctuary for worship. Then a special guest will give his testimony and entertain us with his gifted musical talents. This promises to be a special evening again at First Baptist. We will bring some item for the Good Sam ministry which is in need of all kinds of stuff. In the next email I will give you what they are in need of the most. We were able to really bless the youth home by filling up their cupboard last month. We added about 40 more men on our list last month also several more churches. The guys at Trinity Baptist were a blessing to all of us. This is such an awesome ministry to get to visit and worship with our brothers in Christ all over Searcy. We hope that you guys are being bless as much as we are! We would like to have your feed back if you feel so led to do so. So start talking it up and spread the word. Let us know as soon as you know if you are coming and how many. God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, October 7, 2011

Next meeting at Trinity

Sons of Thunder, we will be meeting at Trinity Baptist Church, 1601 E. Moore st. Searcy, one block behind USA Drug on Race. You will see the big tent set up in the parking lot. We will start at 6:00 p.m. with grilled hamburgers and all the stuff that goes with that. There has been some concern about enough room for parking. We have been told we can park in all the lots around the church, including the swimming pool area, the church parking lot on the north side of Moore, also behind the church. There will be guys in the parking lot to help with parking.
This month it has been brought to our attention that one of our youth homes is in need. It seems that their food cupboard is very low and stays that way most of the time. So we are asking that you bring with you a non-perishable food item, including can goods of all kinds, chips, cookies, snacks of all kinds, cereals, pop tarts,peanuts, popcorn, things that homes of this nature can't afford to buy. Lets bless their socks off.
We had a planning meeting last night and the guys at Trinity are excited about hosting. It is going to be another spirit filled evening with like minded guys who love Jesus. Invite a guy who has not come yet. Also last month we had a good group of sons and grandsons bring them with you. This is something that they will remember and will remain with them for a lifetime. Talk it up at church this Sunday and let us know Monday how many so we can be prepared. If at the last minute you find that you can come, please do. God Bless and have a wonderful weekend.

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The movie & Trinity

Sons of Thunder, for those who do not know, the movie Courageous is showing at the Cinema in Searcy. Everybody who has seen it highly recommend it. The young man that we sent the prayer request out last night John Claude Scarborough, underwent surgery today and is showing some improvement. God is still performing miracles! We are now a week away from our meeting at Trinity Baptist, Searcy. We will start at 6:00 p.m. with grilled burgers and all the good stuff that goes with that. We will be under the big tent then go into the sanctuary for the evening of worship and testimonies from two guys who attend Trinity. We now have over 1000 guys from more than 130 different churches on our email list who have attended. It is amazing the fellowship we are having with our brothers from different denomination. We know it is not us. Only God and His holy spirit could be making this happen. We expect to have another spirit filled evening. Let us know if you are coming. This is the first time for Trinity so lets try to give them a good count for the meal. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Next meeting at Trinity

Sons of Thunder, we are just two weeks away from our next meeting. We are going to be at Trinity Baptist Church in Searcy. The address is 1601 East Moore St. It is right across from the Searcy Municipal Pool or one block behind USA Drug on Race St. We will have the big tent put up in the parking lot. We will start at 6:00 p.m with a Hamburger cook out with all the good stuff that goes with that. After the meal and fellowship we will go into the beautiful sanctuary for prayer, worship and testimonies. The men from Trinity are looking forward to sharing their love for Jesus with like minded men. We hope you were able to see our ministry featured on THV11 last Wednesday night. They did a great job with telling about SOT and what it is all about. You can go to THV11"s website and see it. Just in case you have not heard it or have forgotten SOT is all about Jesus and the men who love Him and want to help His Holy Spirit bring men to a loving relationship with Him. Sid said it best. "We have no building, no money, and no agenda only Jesus." We are not trying to take men from their churches. On the contrary, we love all the churches and only hope to strengthen them through their men.
The movie Courageous is coming out Sept. 30th we hope it will be here in Searcy. If not I encourage everybody to call the local theater and ask for it. It is a great movie for family and especially for men. So start talking it up and spreading the word to your friends about our Oct 11th meeting. We have started a list of those coming please let us know as soon as possible so we can have a good count. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hank & Bandera

Hey guys just letting you know that Hanks program the other night is on the web site in full length just click on the video's and it will link you right up. You will b able to start seeing the testimonies at full length on from now on. We will also keep the blog going for info and other things going on with Sons of Thunder events and comments from you. thanks so much for making this an unbelievable movement of men coming together for one reason to worship our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sons of Thunder at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are meeting at Valley Baptist Church Hwy 36 west at 6:00 p.m. Sept. 13th. Barbecue pork,and all the fix-en's. Testimonies, worship, and prayer. Special appearance by Hank Hough with Kingdom Dog Ministry. Bring men's toiletries for the John 3:16 Ministry. Women are meeting at Trinity Baptist for prayer at 6:30 Tuesday night. Bring a friend or neighbor that has not come yet. If possible let us know if are coming. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, September 9, 2011

Next Tuesday at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now less than a week away from our next meeting. Valley Baptist Church, 6:00 p.m.,Tuesday September 13th. This is going to be a very special SOT. Valley has invited Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry to bless us with this special way of sharing the Gospel. You may go to ( and get a preview of his ministry using Labrador Retrievers. What a great night to bring sons and grandsons and friends who are hunters and have Labradors retrievers. We will start with a great meal of barbecue pork and all that goes with that prepared by the men from Valley. One of our guys, Greg Rowdin,will start the evening off with a touching personal story about fathers and sons. Gene and the praise team will be on hand to bless us with some awesome worship. We know there are a lot of things going on next Tuesday. We do want to make sure that you vote if you live in White county so don't forget to do that. So this Sunday make sure that all the men at your church know about Sons of Thunder this Tuesday. Make a special effort to bring that guy who has not come. Our job is to bring them and then let the Holy Spirit do the rest. The ladies will be meeting at Trinity Baptist Tuesday night praying for us to have a great spirit filled evening. Remember, bring some kind of men's toiletries (soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, aftershave) this will be given to the John 3:16 Ministry. We really need for you to let us know if you are planning to come if you have not done so please do. Looking forward to seeing you all again. God bless

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sons of Thunder coming at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, I know there are guys that you work with, you play with, you fish with, you hunt with that are lost. They have no idea about the Gospel. The first important idea is they don't know that"Jesus loves them and there is nothing they can do about it". It doesn't make any difference how deep a hole they have dug in the pit of life. He still loves them! The second important idea to communicate is that no amount of human effort can ever make someone "right " with God. The key point for them to understand is that the debt they owed has already been paid in full. Jesus died on the cross for our sins in the past, now ,and the future! The third important idea is there is a decision to made regarding the first two ideas. That once someone asks Christ to pay his penance, Christ joyfully does so! The bible says that when that happens there is a celebration in heaven! So this is my prayer for you, is to pray for that special man that God will go before you, make the way, soften a heart and readies his spirit so you can give him these three simple points of salvation. Be that witness in their lives and bring them to Valley Baptist Church Sept.13th for a awesome night of worship. Sons of Thunder is all about Jesus nothing more or less! Love you guys God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sons of Thunder at Valley Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now little more than a week away from our next meeting. Valley Baptist Church, September 13th starting at 6:00 p.m. For those who are from out of town Valley is on Hwy 36 west in Searcy. This will be the second time that we get to experience the fellowship and hospitality of this special Church. The men are preparing a great meal of smoke pulled pork and all the good stuff that goes with that. We will bless the John 3:16 Ministry with men toiletries ( soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste,) a container will be at the front door.. We have a great night planned. After the meal we will go into the sanctuary . We will begin with a welcome by Greg Rowdin and some special insights on fathers and sons. You will be blessed. Gene and the praise and worship team will then prepare our hearts through some wonderful worship. We have a little different night on tap. Pastor Hays will then introduce our special guest for the evening. Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry will be on hand with his Labrador Retrievers and a special night of witness for the Lord. This is the night that you need to bring son's and grandson's. Pastor Tim Noah from Trinity Baptist will then close with prayer an a invitation to come to Trinity next month We are planning to be on the way home by 8:30 so it will not be too late for the boys on a school night. So start preparing to come, talk it up in church this weekend, bring someone who has not come yet. We have started a list of those who have let us know if they are coming so if you have not please do so. From all indication this will be an awesome night for the kingdomof our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I'm getting excited just writing about it. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sons of Thunder Meetings

Sons of Thunder, we are less than 3 weeks away from our next meeting. We are going to be hosted by Valley Baptist Church again. Valley is going way beyond the call of duty to make this a wonderful blessed night to be with His Holy Spirit. We will start again with barbecue pull pork and all the good stuff that goes with that. If you were at the last one we had at Valley you know that these guys can smoke that pork! We will then go into their beautiful sanctuary for worship, and following this we have a special guest coming. Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry will be on tap with his Labrador Retrievers and the Word of God. If you would like a preview go to ( This is one night that you don't want to miss. We will close with worship and prayer. The date is September 13th, time 6:00 p.m. and we will be on the way home by 8:30. So start talking it up,have it put in your church bulletin. Bring your sons and grandsons this is going to be a very special night. The young fellows will be blessed. Remember try to let us know if you are coming it helps in the planing of the food. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fair Grounds

Guys, just a few thoughts and information about Tuesday night. We were blessed with another wonderful night of being with a bunch of guys who love the Lord. The fellowship and and ribs were just wonderful. We ran out of some food but didn't run out of ribs I was very thankful of that. We had a couple of guys trying to get a count and one said 658 another said 685. What ever the exact count is I don't care I just know that there was a bunch of guys there. We came out good on the contribution for the meal and the donation for the cost of the rental of the building. In fact we were exactly 27 dollars more than what it cost to rent it. He provided again. Jay Jordan gave a heart felt opening talk about our savior Jesus. We have to be always aware of what He did for us on the cross. Jay also said a little about our new web site. ( You can go there now but it is still a work in progress. I hope you have noticed that we are trying to make sure that we get done on time. The worship by Gene and the guys was just awesome again. The testimonies by Lee and Al were great. We had around 50 or so new men who came this time. It was a little warm in the building but considering how hot it was outside it was not bad. The prayer with the young men who are preparing to go back to school was special. A special thanks goes out to the guys form St. Paul and First Methodist churches who spent the day smoking those wonderful ribs. Well get ready for another special night at Valley Baptist September 13th. Talk it up tell your friends and plan to bring somebody that has not come yet. Our prayers for Monti Duncan have been answered. He had a good report after his last cat-scan. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, August 6, 2011

This Tuesday night

Sons of Thunder, just a short note. We are meeting this Tuesday August 9th at 6:00 p.m. We will be at the White County Fairgrounds which is on Davis Ave. You turn off of East Race St. between W&W Ford and the park go north for about a 1/2 mile and you can't miss it. If you would, please bring with you at least 1 roll of paper towels more if you would like, this is for Sunshine School. Just in case you do not know the building where we are eating and worshiping is AIR CONDITIONED! So if you been working all day in the heat come and cool off with Smoke Ribs, Baked Beans, Cold Slaw, French Fries, and homemade brownies from the ladies at St. Paul. Gene Angel will be at the front door with a new patch of SOT tee shirts all sizes. For those who have not gotten a Cross to put up in their yard the St. Paul Trailer will be there with them. We could use some green oak or hickory wood for smoking the ribs if you have some let us know. Talk about it in Church tomorrow and let us know if you are coming if you have not already. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jesus and Ribs at Fairgrounds

Ribs and Jesus how can it get any better than this! Sons of Thunder, I just had that thought how could a evening with brothers in Christ eating baby back ribs and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ get any better? Well if you throw in two powerful testimonies from two of our brothers who want to tell what He has meant in their lives that could make it even better. If you include combined worship teams from St. Paul and First United Methodist churches that could make it ever better. If you include special prayer for all our young men and teachers who attend, that will make the night ever better. If you add that all who attend, bring a roll of paper towels for the Sunshine School, that will make the night even better. Just knowing that we will have ladies praying for us all at Valley Baptist Church, that will make it even better. If you are planning to come please let us know. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Ladies Praying for next meeting

On Tuesday, August 9th, at 6 :30, a women's prayer group will be gathering at Valley Baptist Church, on Hwy 36, to pray for Sons of Thunder.

Please enter through the west side entrance as we will be gathering in the sanctuary.

We've heard some powerful testimonies from various women who have attended this group.

It is incredible to be able to actually see the movement of the Holy Spirit in our community which has drawn men from across Arkansas.

To God, be all the glory and honor!!

I hope to see you there.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Sons of Thunder, just a update on our up and coming meeting on August 9th at 6:00 p.m. at the White County Fairgrounds. We have been in contact with the Sunshine School and they told us that paper towels would be one of the things that we could bring Tuesday night for them. We will have containers by the door when you come in so bring a roll or two of paper towels.
We want to bring your attention to what is going to be happening on August 6th. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and the American Family Asso. are having a day of prayer and fasting at the Reliance Stadium in Houston Tex. We know that it will be differcult for a most of us to go down to Houston to pray for out nation. So First Baptist Church of Searcy is having a live simulacast of that in their sanctuary. It will start at 9:30 and end at 5:00 p.m. they have invited the community to come and pray for our nation. The is for the whole family to come and take part. Come when you can and leave when you have to leave.
Remember, Sons of Thunder is having Baby Back Ribs and all the good stuff that goes with that. So it is very important to let us know if you are planing to come. We want to make sure that we have enough Ribs to go around but not way to much. We will be ordering the meat on Friday the 5th so if you can let us know by then. St. Paul and First United Methodist Church are co-sponcering this night. We have some great

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

next meeting

Sons of Thunder, we are a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at the White County Fairgrounds. The church sponsors are First United Methodist and St. Paul United Methodist. We met and had a planing meeting and we are excited about what His Holy Spirit is going to have for us on August 9th. First starting at 6:00 p.m. we will be having Baby Back Ribs again with all the good stuff that goes with them. Our guys are looking forward to spending the day in fellowship with our brothers from St. Paul smoking 250 racks of ribs. We will be having a combine worship team of guys from both churches. St. Paul has two men with powerful testimonies, Lee Stephenson and Al Fiscus are going to bless us with the story of their walk with the Lord. It looks like it is going to continue to be very hot but for those who don't know we will be eating and worshiping inside under air conditioning. We also are planing a special time of prayer for our students and teachers as they prepare to return to school. Because of what we are having for the meal it is important to let us know if you are coming and how many will be with you. We want to make sure we have enough ribs for everybody. So start talking it up and invite someone who has not yet come. We will be bringing some item for one of the Ministry in the county. I will tell you about that in the next email. May God continue to Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Great night at Downtown CC

Guys, just some thoughts about Tuesday night. Even though we had several churches having VBS and it was 100 degrees outside and the Major League Baseball all star game was going on we still had over 400 Sons of Thunder show up for a awesome evening. The men at Downtown welcomed us again to their wonderful facility with a great meal and love in their heart. We experience another great night of unity in the body of Christ in Searcy. The worship was just great and His spirit was very prevalent. I personally know of two men who turned to the Lord and have opened that door for a relationship with Him. This is what it is all about to let men see and hear other men's stories so they can accept his grace and forgiveness. They find out they are not alone, that we all struggle, but His grace and blood will cover all our sins. Mike, made that point very clear with his testimony, what a wonderful example of a disciple of Christ he is. The fellowship during the meal was very special again. I am so humbled every time I look up and see those long lines of men getting food, knowing that they are really there for the food for their spirit. For those that could not come this past Tuesday, we missed you and love you, and are looking forward to seeing you again at the Fairgrounds on August 9th. Remember Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, July 8, 2011

SOTat Downtown CC

They are going to have donation baskets at the food lines. Downtown is paying for the food and all that is collected will go to the Food Pantry and Wyldewqood . John

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Next Meeting at DTCC

Sons of Thunder, we are now a little more than a week away from our next meeting. This month it is at Downtown Church of Christ at 900 N. Main st. It will start at 6:00 p.m. with a breakfast meal all that good stuff that we like for breakfast. Then we will have worship lead by the men from Downtown they are very good. We have one testimony on tap, after there will be some special scriptural and worship time again lead by the men from Downtown. This will be a Holy Spirit moment. We will conclude with prayer. We will be on our way home by 8:30.
The August meeting is set for the fairgrounds with St. Paul United Methodist and First United Methodist Church co-sponsoring it. So the women will be praying for our meeting on the 12th at First United Methodist Church at 6:30 in the chapel. For information on that meeting call Cherl Allen 281-7207.
Guys this will be a great night to bring that man who has been promising to come but for some reason it has not work out. Also guys bring your son's, they need to see their fathers and other men worshiping Jesus. If you have not let us know please do so as soon as you know how many you will have with you.
Guys, again we are asking you to lift Coon Duncan up in your prayers he is undergoing chemo-therapy prior to his expected stem-cell transplant. Pray for his wife Marla and family for strength and peace to get threw this very differcult time. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Up coming SOT at DTCC

Sons of Thunder, you guys don't know how blessed I am to address over 900 men from over 100 different churches as Sons of Thunder. Open your bible and read Mark 3:14-19 and you will see how simple and easy it was for James and John to drop their nets and follow Jesus. James was the first disciple to die for Jesus and John was the last. When we meet on the Second Tuesday of each month and share a meal, fellowship, worship and witness of our love for Jesus, we are following in the footsteps of the first Sons of Thunder James and John. While you got your bibles open go to the sermon on the mount ( Matt 5-7) and take time to read it again as these chapters will be part of the evening program. We also have a very powerful testimony given by a man from Downtown. This is going to be another special night of experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit in our gathering.
Remember we are going to have breakfast for the meal, will start at 6:00 p.m. Downtown Church of Christ is located 900 N. Main St. go to North side and come into the set of double doors. We will have you on the way home by 8:30 I promise. We have a week and half before July 12th so start talking it up and inviting guys who have not came. Fathers bring you sons with you and sons bring your father with you! If you have not let us know via email do so just as soon as you know how many will be coming with you. We love you guys and may God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Next meeting

Sons of Thunder, we are now 3 weeks away from our next SOT which will be at Downtown Church of Christ. The evening plan has not been set yet but Tom said that they are planing to have Breakfast that night. Like he said bacon is good all the time. He said that he would like for us to all visit the reading of the Sermon on the Mount. This could be a wonderful evening. Well we will talk about that when we have more information.
Speaking of wonderful evenings last Tuesday night the Holy Spirit showed up in a big way at the River. The food was just great Doug and his crew out did themselves again. Worship with that group of men on the stage was absolutely awesome. The testimonies were very good, we made a mistake trying to get three in one night, henseforth we went to long for the night. That was our fault and we apologize for that. We like to be on our way home by 8:30 and it was 9:30 when it got over. We will do our best not to let that happen again. For those that have ask how many we had in attendance it was real close to 600 our man that counted said it was 587. I know that we had several more churches added to the list and now we have over 100 churches that have had men attend. Boy, if that is not unity in the Body of Christ I don't know what unity is.
Well I guess I have said enough, we just want all of you know how much we love and appreciate you and your attendance. Men and families are being blessed every month. May God bless you and yours.
Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sot at the River of LIfe

Jesus prayed in John 17:21 "that they all may be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me". We are seeing what Jesus is praying about, happening in our little corner of the world. We all love our churches and the love and fellowship that we experience thru them. We all love our Lord Jesus Christ and are looking forward of his return and that prayer will be answered. Come Tuesday night to River of Life Church, exit 48, 67/167, 6:00 p.m. and witness for yourself what our God, thru his Holy Spirit can do.
What you will experience is a wonderful meal provided by "Who Dat's". Worship from the combined worship teams of 4 churches. Testimonies given by men from the River of Life, Centennial Baptist and the Word of Faith churches.
St. Paul's men will be there to give out crosses again for you to pick up and take back to your churches. What a great witness this cross ministry is making in Searcy for our love of Jesus. Remember to bring a jar of peanut butter for the Good Samaritan ministry. It is not hard to see that Sons of Thunder is all about Jesus, unity of churches, and their love for Him.
We know that it's going to be hot, probably in the 90 degree area at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Keith has assured us that it will be 72 degrees in that beautiful sanctuary. Tomorrow at church talk it up, if you can make an announcement from the pulpit do so. If you have not let us know you are coming and the number of men you are bringing with you, please do so by Monday night. Have a great day at church tomorrow. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ