Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Next meeting at First Methodist

Guys, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. We are a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will meet December 13th, 6:00 p.m., First United Methodist Church Searcy. We had planned to meet at the fairgrounds again but decided to meet FUMC because of it being so close to the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that it would be more fitting. We have an awesome night planned to honor Him. We will begin with a meal in Yancey Hall. We are having Brisket with all the good stuff that men like. We are still in the planning stage of the ministry we intend to help this month. We will send that information out in our next email. Our group is planning to meet next week to finalize our night's program. This will be a very special night of SOT, so bring the guy who you have been trying to get to come. Also fathers, a great night for son's to witness your love for Jesus. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, November 7, 2011

Next meeting at First Baptist

Guys, just a short reminder. I forgot in the last email to remind you to bring peanut butter or a blanket for the Good Samaritan Ministry. We will have a truck for you to put it into at the South west entrance. This is a very worthy cause many families depend on it every month. See you Tuesday 6:00 First BaptistSearcy. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Next meeting at First Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we will meeting at First Baptist Church Searcy 105 S. Spring St. on Tuesday Nov. 8th. at 6:00 p.m. We are excited to be back with our brothers from FBC. The men are preparing deer chili and white chili with cobbler and Yarnell's ice cream. After the meal and fellowship in the family life hall we will go into the sanctuary. Another spirit filled evening beginning with worship by Gene and the guys. We will then have Milton Lee speak about what Jesus has done in his life and bless us with his gift of music and song. We will have a couple of surprises even to us. We never know what He is going to bring to us. So talk it up, invite a guy to come with you,bring your son or son's bring your dad. If you can announce it at church this Sunday please do so. Try to let us know if you are coming and how many by Monday. Remember we will have you on the way home by 8:30. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Next meeting at 1st Baptist

Sons of Thunder, we are now a week away from our next meeting. First Baptist Church Searcy is the location time is 6:00 p.m. on Nov. 8th. The men from FBC are preparing Chili and Cobbler top off with Ice Cream. They have a powerful evening in store for us. Milton Lee will be there to share his love for the Lord with a very powerful testimony and his music.
I have talked with the good people from Good Sam's and they said that they are just about out of Peanut Butter so it would be good if we could replenish there supply. Also if you feel so led this is the time of year that they could use blankets. So either peanut butter or a blanket would be great.
The ladies will be meeting at First Methodist Searcy in the Chapel to pray for us as we meet at FBC. The ladies have had a organizational meeting to start a ladies ministry similar to SOT. So let your ladies know that something is in the works for them.
We had our team meeting tonight prayed for continued participation from men from all over central Arkansas. Thanks for the feed back that was sent to us. We know men's life's have been changed by the fellowship, prayers, testimonies and witness of guys loving Jesus. Remember that is the only thing this is about. So if you would let us know if you are coming it help us out to have some kind of count. Love you guys God Bless.

Your Brother in Christ