Jesus prayed in John 17:21 "that they all may be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me". We are seeing what Jesus is praying about, happening in our little corner of the world. We all love our churches and the love and fellowship that we experience thru them. We all love our Lord Jesus Christ and are looking forward of his return and that prayer will be answered. Come Tuesday night to River of Life Church, exit 48, 67/167, 6:00 p.m. and witness for yourself what our God, thru his Holy Spirit can do.
What you will experience is a wonderful meal provided by "Who Dat's". Worship from the combined worship teams of 4 churches. Testimonies given by men from the River of Life, Centennial Baptist and the Word of Faith churches.
St. Paul's men will be there to give out crosses again for you to pick up and take back to your churches. What a great witness this cross ministry is making in Searcy for our love of Jesus. Remember to bring a jar of peanut butter for the Good Samaritan ministry. It is not hard to see that Sons of Thunder is all about Jesus, unity of churches, and their love for Him.
We know that it's going to be hot, probably in the 90 degree area at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Keith has assured us that it will be 72 degrees in that beautiful sanctuary. Tomorrow at church talk it up, if you can make an announcement from the pulpit do so. If you have not let us know you are coming and the number of men you are bringing with you, please do so by Monday night. Have a great day at church tomorrow. May God bless you and yours.
Your Brother in Christ
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