Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meeting at 1st Baptist

Sons of Thunder

Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Sons of Thunder
 We will be meeting at First Baptist Church,105 South Spring St., Searcy, Tuesday November 13th at 6:00 p.m. The ministry we are going to bless this month is Good Samaritan. There are several items that you can bring; Laundry detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, bars of soap, toilet paper or paper towels. There will be containers for these items in the door way.  We will start the night with a meal provided by Calvary Baptist Feeding Team. This team is leaving for NYC Midtown to cook for those who were affected by Sandy on Thursday! After eating we will go into the sanctuary for worship. The theme for the night will be "Marriages". We are being blessed to have a very special guest to come and speak about men and marriages. Dr. Robert Lewis is author of "Building a Win-Win Marriage" and founder of Men's Fraternity Ministry that is reaching men worldwide. Looking forward to seeing you. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Meeting coming at St. Paul

Guys, we are a week away from our next meeting. It will be at St. Paul United Methodist at 2509 W.Beebe Capps Searcy. St. Marys CME is co-sponsoring the evening.  We will start with a meal from Kentucky Fried Chicken under the big tent which will be directly in front of the church. There will be parking in front and back of the church with guys helping to direct you. We will go into the sanctuary after for prayer, videos, worship and powerful testimonies.
   Last month we brought containers of bleach for a mission trip in southern Mississippi. I got a report from the team from Downtown Church of Christ that it was put to use in a big way. We were also able to give $500.00 to take down with them which was split between the small volunteer fire department and another charity helping in the clean up.  This month St. Paul has learned that there is a need for Sippy cups for small kids at Children Hospital in Little Rock. They have requested that you guys bring  them. You can get them at almost any Dollar store or Walmart or Drug Store. There will be containers to put them by the tent.
  I will be sending out another e-mail as we get closer to the event. If you are planning to come let us know. I have a flyer attach to this e-mail print it and post it around your church. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Next meeting at St. Paul Methodist

Sons of Thunder, we a re two weeks away from our next meeting. We are meeting at St. Paul Methodist Church on Beebe Capps. So start talking it up in your churches and with friends. The guys from St. Paul and St. Marys are going together and are excited about what is going to happen. The date is October 9th beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a dinner of Kentucky Fried  Chicken under the big tent. Then we will go into the Sanctuary for prayer, video, worship and testimonies.  I am attaching  a flyer  so you can post it at your churches. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Next has been moved

Guys, Pastor Hays from Valley Baptist has requested that due to a major conflict that they swap with another church for the September meeting. So the September meeting will be at First United Methodist Church Searcy. The date will be September 11th beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a Catfish dinner with all the trimmings. The evenings program was already in the planning stage and it will not change. We have several mini-testimonies from our leadership team and others followed by Bible verses to coninside with each speaker. Gene and the SOT worship team have a awesome night of worship planned. So if you will start spreading the word about the change of location that would be great. I am going to start a list of those who are planning to come we need to have a pretty good idea of how many sense we are having Catfish. This promises to be a Spirit filled night. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This week at 1st Assembly

Guys, what a wonderful night at Assembly. Our thanks go out to the men at Assembly who outdid themselves again with a great meal and fellowship. Strawberry cake!!!!  Boy!! We were all blessed by the video,prayer,worship and the testimonies. I guessed around 450 men were present and His presence was felt by all. Thanks for bringing a truck load of water for our law enforcement officers. Just to let you know also that the outpouring of donation for Jacobs Place as you left was just awesome. The cash total was $2912.00 and we had several churches that have pledge to send some. I personally can't express my thanks in words but only to say I love you all. Can't wait till next month at Valley Baptist. I hope and pray that you continue to "be about your Fathers bussiness". May God bless you and yours. 

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, August 6, 2012

Next meeting at 1st Assembly

Sons of Thunder, we are two weeks from our next meeting. We will meet at First Assembly Searcy, the Nazarene Churches in the area will be co-hosting. 
We will meet August 14th at 6:00 p.m. beginning with Grill Burgers and French Fries and all the good stuff that goes with that. If you have been to the 
Assembly before you know that these guys can put on a feed. After we will go into the Sanctuary for worship with Gene and the guys from four different
churches. The worship should be just awesome! The focus for the evening will be on our educators and students going back to school. We hope you 
bring your sons and invite those men you know that have anything to do with our school systems to come. We will be bringing bottle water for the law 
enforcements in our area. There will be a place to put it as you come in. Remember this "Sons of Thunder" is for any man, from any church, any town, 
any county, any state. This is not about us it is all about worshiping and loving Jesus. We now have a new shipment of t-shirts all sizes. If you are planning
to come let us know. Also remember this "Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it". God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fellowship Bible

Sons of Thunder, we will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday the 10th at Fellowship Bible 1921 W. Beebe Capps Searcy. It is located in a strip mall just west of the Sonic on Beebe Capps. There is parking in the back and front of the building. Guys will be in the parking lot to assist in parking. We have a very special treat coming as Chick-fil-a will be catering the meal. The donation for the meal over the cost is going to the Winshape Camp for scholarships for kids who can't afford to go. We are hoping to get enough money for at least 10 scholarships. The camp is all about winning young people to Christ. The date for the Camp is July 30 - Aug 3th and will be at Riverview High School. It is for kids who have completed 1st grade - 6th grade. So instead of bringing something just bring a little extra money and put it in the basket in the food line. The focus of our night at Fellowship is not just being a Fan of Jesus but being a follower of Jesus. We have powerful testimonies of guys who are doing just that. Now sense this meal is coming from Chick-fil-a  it is important to let us know if you are coming we need to know how much food to plan for. Also sense we first said that we were going to be at the fairgrounds please pass the word around to you friends and church so everybody will know. Don't miss this SOT it is going to be special!  God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Next Meeting at Fellowship Bible off Beebe Capps

Guys don't forget that our next meeting (July 10th) is at Fellowship Bible off Beebe Capps Express way and not at the fairgrounds as previously planed. Hop all is well with your families and see you there!

Steve Dunaway at Sons of Thunder

Monday, June 25, 2012

Meeting at Fellowship Bible

Guys, there has been a change in the location of our next SOT on July 10. Fellowship Bible is hosting the July 11th meeting and it will be at their Church instead of the Fairgrounds. Fellowship is located at 1921 W. Beebe Capps Expwy. So if you would let it be known in your church for the guys who do not get the e-mails. I am not sure what the meal will be or what ministry we will be helping that will come in another e-mail. The Guys at Fellowship are excited about having us at their location this time. We are expecting this to be a Spirit filled evening. So get out and spread the word and please let us know if you are coming. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, June 11, 2012

Meeting next week

  Guys, we are just a couple of days away from another spirit filled evening with His Holy Spirit. We are meeting at Trinity Baptist Church on Moore St. The men have a wonderful evening planned for us starting with a Hamburger meal with all the good stuff that goes with that. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. the men will be grilling on the north side of the church and that is the door you need to go into. Remember we will be bringing a non-perishable food item for their food pantry. After the meal we will go into the Sanctuary for prayer, worship, and testimonies. We will have two men from Trinity giving their testimonies of what a difference Jesus has made in their lives. If you are planning to come please let us know so the guys can have enough of those wonderful burgers. Make a special effort to bring a man who has not attended. Guys now that school is out bring those son's and grandson's. Don't forget Jesus love's you and there is nothing you can do about it. 

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, May 28, 2012

Next Meeting at Trinity

Guys, we are now a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at Trinity Baptist Church 1601 E. Moore. The men at Trinity are very excited about having us back again. They are planning Burgers and all the good stuff that goes with that. We will be eating inside this time instead of the tent. Then we will go into their beautiful sanctuary for prayer, worship, and testimonies. So put it on your calender and let it be known at your church and spread the word to your friends. 
   We went to Jonesboro on Tuesday night of last week at First United Methodist Church at their first SOT meeting it was a great success. They had some of the best baby back ribs I have ever had plus wonderful worship and fellowship. We also had a young man give his life to the Lord on Tuesday night. That makes it all worth it. They had several churches involved and next month it is going to be at Walnut St. Baptist church. 
   I will be sending out another e-mail on what to bring for this meeting coming up. We were able to give the Good Samaritan House over 100 jars of peanut butter at the last meeting. Remember Jesus love you and so do we!. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Last night and our men's retreat

  Guys, what a great night at River last night. We had around 600 guys experience a wonderful night of fellowship, worship, and testimonies.  The guys at River of Life were great host again for us. I talk about the retreat we are having in a previous e-mail.  We still have openings and would be blessed to have you join us for this special 22 hours. We will leave at around 5:30 Friday the 11th for Mt. Eagle and return around 3:00 p.m. Saturday. Our focus for the retreat is Ephesians 5:25 "husbands love your wife's as the lord love's his church". Jim Bob Baker will be our guest speaker with session's Friday night and Saturday morning. We will have three great meals, worship, prayer and close with communion. The cost is $35.00 but don't let money keep you from joining us we have scholarships available. We are all brothers in Christ and the fellowship will be awesome. 
  Also Dennis Rine wanted us to remind you that he is hosting a Men's meeting at Harding Academy Cafeteria at 6:45 every other Thursday. Tomorrow May 10th is the next one. "Captured" is the focus of this group, that being captured by Jesus. If you want to start your Thursday morning right just come and be blessed. We love you guys and so does God.

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, May 5, 2012

   Sons of Thunder, we are now three days away from our next meeting. We will be at River of Life, just in case you don't know where the River is it is the first exit north of Searcy on 67-167. You will see it from the road we will have the big tent right in front it. Remember we will be collecting peanut butter for the Good Samaritan ministry so if you would, bring a jar of peanut butter. "Who Dat's" are doing the meal of Catfish and Red Beans and rice. Donations will be collected for the meal. After some wonderful fellowship with hundreds of Christian men. We will then go into the sanctuary for worship, testimonies, and prayer. So come and expect to experience the real presence of the Holy Spirit.  If you have not let us know would you please do, so we can prepare enough food. Remember Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, April 26, 2012

National Day of Prayer

Sons of Thunder, the National Day of Prayer is coming, one week from today! the local prayer observance will be held at Pavilion of Searcy's Berryhill Park (at the intersection of Moore Street and Davis Drive) at 12:00 noon, Thursday, May 3, 20212. Sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance, the service will include prayers (conducted in small groups) for our nation, national and local governments, our community and our schools. Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend with your spouse and friends. Also the Daughters of Light will be meeting this coming Tuesday night May 1st at Fellowship Bible church at 6:30. If you have not let us know if you are coming to SOT at River of Life please do. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

At the River

Sons of Thunder, we are a little more than a 2 weeks away from our next meeting at River of Life Church. We are looking forward to being back at the River what a great spirit filled church it is. Who Dat's is going to cater the meal again I haven't talk with Doug about the menu but you can rest assured it will be great. We will have a meal under the big tent starting at 6:00 p.m. and then go into the sanctuary for worship, testimonies and prayer. So start thinking about inviting someone who has not come also try to have it announced at church. We will be bringing peanut butter for the Good Samaritan Food Pantry.  If you know you are coming let us know also how many by hitting reply. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 10th

Sons of Thunder, the pork butts at this moment are being smoked and preparation is underway for a celebration of resurrected lives. Come to First United Methodist Church Searcy 304 N. Main St. at 6:00 p.m. April 10th. We are having, food, fellowship, worship, and witness of what Jesus has done in reviving of our lives. Come prepared to be blessed. Remember the bible says that nothing can separate us from the love of God. You will experience that Tuesday night. Just hit reply and let us know if you are coming and how many. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Next Meeting at FUMC

Guys, we are now a week away from our next meeting. We will be meeting at FUMC Searcy April 10th at 6:00 p.m. The evening will start in Yancy Hall with Smoke Pull Pork, Bake Beans, Cold Slaw, Potato Salad and Brownies. After some awesome fellowship we will go in the Sanctuary for what He has put on our hearts to do this month. Our focus will continue with our Lords Resurrection and the celebration of that. We are going to celebrate the Resurrection and revived lives in a very special way. Believe me this is one that you don't want to miss. We will have a combined worship team with guys from 3 different churches. We also have a couple of very special videos. We have not planned what we will do with the extra money we have after paying for the food I will talk about that in the next e-mail. I have lost some of my e-mail addresses so some of the guys might not be getting them so talk it up in church and at work. Spread the word, bring a friend, sons or fathers. The Daughters of Light met tonight and my wife just got home and she said it was a great night. Try to let us know if you are coming by hitting reply we want to make sure we have enough food. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Sunday, March 25, 2012

2 Weeks away

Guys, we are a little more than 2 weeks away from our next meeting. We will be back at First United Methodist Searcy. This meeting is shaping up to be another Spirit filled evening with great fellowship, food and worship. The meal is going to be pulled smoke pork, potato salad, cold slaw, baked beans and brownies. The guys from FUMC are smoking pork butts for a fund raiser for the youth. If you would like one you can order one by calling the church office 268-5896. They will be ready the Friday and Saturday before Easter Sunday. Were have not received from His spirit who will be sharing and what our focus will be other than these meetings are all about Jesus. Start talking it up at your work and church. Bring a friend, brother, son, dad or co-worker. If you can, let us know. If you can't, come anyway.
Just a reminder. Dennis Rine talked at our last meeting about a new men's group that will start this coming Thursday March 29th. It will be at Harding Academy cafeteria 6:30 a.m. to 7:30. Coffee, donuts, milk and juice will be served no cost. All men are welcome. This is also non-denominational, just guys who love Jesus. This group will meet every other Thursday morning for worship, prayer and encouragement for men. Don't you just love how His spirit is moving in our area. You can go on internet and pull up our last meetings either or May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, March 19, 2012

Last week at Down town CC

Guys, some thoughts about Tuesday night. We had a very special night again. The guys at Downtown and Covenant were just great host. The food was very good and plenty of it. I continue to be amazed how we are so blessed by such a spirit filled evening with guys who love the Lord. We had around 350 to 400 guys and they contributed $1391.00 for the "Meals on Wheels" ministry of White county. We have had wonderful feed back from guys of what a special night it was. The worship was just wonderful and the Francis Chan video was so powerful. Danial gave us a great vision of the call of God. I think we have our email contact groups all back so I hope I don't have to go this again. We will be meeting at First Methodist Searcy next month the date is April 10th. We are in the planning stage will be sending out a email in a week or so. Remember Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

David Brewer Testimony at Sons of Thunder

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Next Meeting at DTCC

Sons of Thunder, we are now a little less than 2 weeks from our next meeting. We will be at Downtown Church of Christ March 13th at 6:00 p.m. Downtown are co-hosting with the guys from Covenant Fellowship. We will start with a meal of Chicken Gumbo, rice, garlic bread sticks, cookies, brownies, tea and lemonade. The theme of the night will be about God's Call on our lives. Daniel Torres will be giving his testimony on how he was call by God and how he has answered it. Daniel has a very powerful testimony. The cost of the meal has been covered. So we are going to take donation for the White County Aging / Feeding Program. These funds will be targeted to those seniors that receive "Meal on Wheels" and which may very well be their only meal for the day. The men from Downtown will be leading us in some awesome worship and scriptures. Be prepared to be blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit in a big way. If you are planning to come please let us know with a reply to this e-mail. Just a reminder don't forget that the"Daughters of Light" will be meeting at Valley Baptist March 6th. at 6:30 so tell you wives and lady friends about that. If you need child care call Valley Baptist. May God bless you and yours.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

last meeting at fairgrounds

Sons of Thunder, just a few thoughts about our last meeting at the fairgrounds. First, we figure we had around 425 or so there the number was down a little. But His spirit certainly was not down it was an awesome night of worship. David Brewer gave one of the most powerful testimony I have ever heard. I witness a lot of tears. Guys hearts were moved. You can go to and see it. We added another 40 or so new names on our e-mail list. Also,we had another 8 churches added to that list. The men from Complete in Christ and New Horizon International Ministry did just a wonderful job. What a blessing it is for us to be around Christian men from all these churches, but we all have Jesus. He is the cord that binds us together. We also collected a lot of stuff for the Wilbur Mills Center. Don't forget to tell your wife's about the up and coming Daughters of Light meeting on March 6 6:30 Valley Baptist Church. Our next meeting is March 13th at Downtown Church of Christ. Don't forget this "Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it". We love you also, God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

David's Testimony full length at the last Sons of Thunder

David Brewer testimony at Sons of Thunder

David Brewer testimony at Sons of Thunder

"David gave his powerful testimony at Sons of Thunder in front to 500 men. Jesus has done a work in his life and he gives Him all the credit because his family would not be together today if it wasn't for the saving grace of God!"

Involves Sid Langley.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Guys, don't forget we are not meeting tomorrow night. We will meet this month on Thursday February 16th at the fairgrounds. Also we are bringing toiletries, soap, deodorant, tooth paste, shampoo, tooth brushes, after shave,shaving cream for the Wilbur Mills Center. We will have containers by the front door. The ladies will be meeting at Downtown Church to be in prayer for us at 6:30 the same night. We have another awesome night of food, fellowship, prayer, worship and testimonies planned so don't miss this one. Bring a friend who has not come yet. Remember if you can to put a little extra money in the donation baskets to offset the cost be at the fairgrounds. But please don't let money stop you from coming! Try to let us know if possible if you are coming and how many. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Sons of Thunder, we are now a week away from our next meeting. Note that it is on Thursday the 16th because of Valentine
being on the second Tuesday. This will be good for those guys who have a difficult time coming on the Tuesday night because of other commitments. We have the guys from Complete in Christ and New Horizon International Ministry hosting this night. They are going to be serving Hamburgers, potatoes salad, slaw, chips, and cakes for dessert. We are planning to have another Spirit filled night with Gene and the worship team combining with their guys. Worship will be just awesome. Just a reminder that we do have extra cost when we have it at the fairgrounds so when you put your donation in for the food put a little extra for the extra expenses of the building. We will start at the usual time of 6:00 p.m. and will be at the White County Fairgrounds on Davis Dr. Guys if at all possible let us know if you are planning to come. We need to know so we can have enough burgers but not way to much. Try to email me back by next Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing you all again. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, February 3, 2012

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Sons of Thunder, we are just 2 weeks away from our next meeting. It will be at the White County Fairgrounds Thursday February 16th at 6:00 p.m. The host churches are New Horizon International Ministries and Complete in Christ both here in Searcy. Each church has a man who will be giving a testimony of their lives and how Jesus has rescued them. We will be bringing toiletries for the Wilbur Mills Center, soap, deodorant, tooth brushes, tooth paste and shampoo. There will be containers at the front entrances. The meal is going to be Hamburgers and all the good stuff that goes with them.
We have couple of events we want to life up to you. First the College Church of Christ is going to show the movie Courageous this Saturday night in their family life building beginning at 7:00 p.m. If you have not seen it you are invited to come and bring your family. Next don't forget that the Duck Commander is going to be at the fairgrounds February 18th. If you want tickets contact Valley Baptist Church or Hay's stores in Searcy or Judsonia. Next a women's group has been form the name is Daughters of Light and they are having their first meeting March 6 at Valley Baptist Church beginning at 6:30 with fellowship and desserts. Child care will be provided. Let your wives know.
If you are planning to come try to bring a guy who has not came. Guys bring your son's and fathers. If you can try to let us know if you are planning to come and how many. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Friday, January 27, 2012

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Guys, we are just a little less than 3 weeks away from our next meeting. We going to be meeting next month on February 16th at the White county fairgrounds. Note that this date is on Thursday instead of Tuesday. The second Tuesday of next month is Valentine Day. We thought that it would be best for the guys not to have to make a decision about what they were going to do that night. I'm sure you know what I mean. We have two churches hosting this meeting they are Complete in Christ, and New Horizon International Ministry both located in Searcy. The men from these churches have been coming and participating in SOT sense it's birth. We will be blessed with their service, sharing, testimonies and fellowship. We are still in the planning stage for the evening so I will get back with you later. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dutch Shoeman at 1st Assembly

You can watch it here:

Dutch Shoeman testimony at Sons of Thunder

Dutch Shoeman testimony at Sons of Thunder

"Dutch through his testimony tells how the power of Jesus set him free and turned the rest of his family to God."

Involves Sid Langley.

Rosevelt Franks at 1st Assembly

You can watch it here:

Rosevelt Franks testimony at Sons of Thunder

Rosevelt Franks testimony at Sons of Thunder

"Rosevelt gave a great testimony of his life and the power of Jesus changing his life for the good."

Involves Sid Langley.

Last meeting at 1st Assembly

You can watch it here:

Sons of Thunder 1st Assembly Trailer

Sons of Thunder 1st Assembly Trailer

"Over 500 men came together to worship and to take communion to start the new year."

Involves Sid Langley.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Last night at Sons of Thunder

Guys, just a few thoughts about last night. I am amazed at how the Lord continues to bless our gatherings. It was a awesome night of food, worship, testimonies and fellowship with over 500 men. We also received Communion that was very special. We want to thank our brothers from First Assembly and the Nazarene Churches for their service. If you missed last nights meeting we are sorry. We did announce that next month will be on Thursday night February 16th at the Fairgrounds. We didn't want to get into any trouble with the ladies by having it on February 14th which is Valentines Day. I also would like for you to lift up our brother, Monte "Coon" Duncan and family in your prayers. Monte is going through a difficult time in his battle with cancer. Thank you, and remember Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ