Friday, August 26, 2011

Sons of Thunder Meetings

Sons of Thunder, we are less than 3 weeks away from our next meeting. We are going to be hosted by Valley Baptist Church again. Valley is going way beyond the call of duty to make this a wonderful blessed night to be with His Holy Spirit. We will start again with barbecue pull pork and all the good stuff that goes with that. If you were at the last one we had at Valley you know that these guys can smoke that pork! We will then go into their beautiful sanctuary for worship, and following this we have a special guest coming. Hank Hough from Kingdom Dog Ministry will be on tap with his Labrador Retrievers and the Word of God. If you would like a preview go to ( This is one night that you don't want to miss. We will close with worship and prayer. The date is September 13th, time 6:00 p.m. and we will be on the way home by 8:30. So start talking it up,have it put in your church bulletin. Bring your sons and grandsons this is going to be a very special night. The young fellows will be blessed. Remember try to let us know if you are coming it helps in the planing of the food. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fair Grounds

Guys, just a few thoughts and information about Tuesday night. We were blessed with another wonderful night of being with a bunch of guys who love the Lord. The fellowship and and ribs were just wonderful. We ran out of some food but didn't run out of ribs I was very thankful of that. We had a couple of guys trying to get a count and one said 658 another said 685. What ever the exact count is I don't care I just know that there was a bunch of guys there. We came out good on the contribution for the meal and the donation for the cost of the rental of the building. In fact we were exactly 27 dollars more than what it cost to rent it. He provided again. Jay Jordan gave a heart felt opening talk about our savior Jesus. We have to be always aware of what He did for us on the cross. Jay also said a little about our new web site. ( You can go there now but it is still a work in progress. I hope you have noticed that we are trying to make sure that we get done on time. The worship by Gene and the guys was just awesome again. The testimonies by Lee and Al were great. We had around 50 or so new men who came this time. It was a little warm in the building but considering how hot it was outside it was not bad. The prayer with the young men who are preparing to go back to school was special. A special thanks goes out to the guys form St. Paul and First Methodist churches who spent the day smoking those wonderful ribs. Well get ready for another special night at Valley Baptist September 13th. Talk it up tell your friends and plan to bring somebody that has not come yet. Our prayers for Monti Duncan have been answered. He had a good report after his last cat-scan. May God bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Saturday, August 6, 2011

This Tuesday night

Sons of Thunder, just a short note. We are meeting this Tuesday August 9th at 6:00 p.m. We will be at the White County Fairgrounds which is on Davis Ave. You turn off of East Race St. between W&W Ford and the park go north for about a 1/2 mile and you can't miss it. If you would, please bring with you at least 1 roll of paper towels more if you would like, this is for Sunshine School. Just in case you do not know the building where we are eating and worshiping is AIR CONDITIONED! So if you been working all day in the heat come and cool off with Smoke Ribs, Baked Beans, Cold Slaw, French Fries, and homemade brownies from the ladies at St. Paul. Gene Angel will be at the front door with a new patch of SOT tee shirts all sizes. For those who have not gotten a Cross to put up in their yard the St. Paul Trailer will be there with them. We could use some green oak or hickory wood for smoking the ribs if you have some let us know. Talk about it in Church tomorrow and let us know if you are coming if you have not already. May God Bless you and yours.

Your Brother in Christ

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jesus and Ribs at Fairgrounds

Ribs and Jesus how can it get any better than this! Sons of Thunder, I just had that thought how could a evening with brothers in Christ eating baby back ribs and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ get any better? Well if you throw in two powerful testimonies from two of our brothers who want to tell what He has meant in their lives that could make it even better. If you include combined worship teams from St. Paul and First United Methodist churches that could make it ever better. If you include special prayer for all our young men and teachers who attend, that will make the night ever better. If you add that all who attend, bring a roll of paper towels for the Sunshine School, that will make the night even better. Just knowing that we will have ladies praying for us all at Valley Baptist Church, that will make it even better. If you are planning to come please let us know. God Bless

Your Brother in Christ

Ladies Praying for next meeting

On Tuesday, August 9th, at 6 :30, a women's prayer group will be gathering at Valley Baptist Church, on Hwy 36, to pray for Sons of Thunder.

Please enter through the west side entrance as we will be gathering in the sanctuary.

We've heard some powerful testimonies from various women who have attended this group.

It is incredible to be able to actually see the movement of the Holy Spirit in our community which has drawn men from across Arkansas.

To God, be all the glory and honor!!

I hope to see you there.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Next Meeting at Fairgrounds

Sons of Thunder, just a update on our up and coming meeting on August 9th at 6:00 p.m. at the White County Fairgrounds. We have been in contact with the Sunshine School and they told us that paper towels would be one of the things that we could bring Tuesday night for them. We will have containers by the door when you come in so bring a roll or two of paper towels.
We want to bring your attention to what is going to be happening on August 6th. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and the American Family Asso. are having a day of prayer and fasting at the Reliance Stadium in Houston Tex. We know that it will be differcult for a most of us to go down to Houston to pray for out nation. So First Baptist Church of Searcy is having a live simulacast of that in their sanctuary. It will start at 9:30 and end at 5:00 p.m. they have invited the community to come and pray for our nation. The is for the whole family to come and take part. Come when you can and leave when you have to leave.
Remember, Sons of Thunder is having Baby Back Ribs and all the good stuff that goes with that. So it is very important to let us know if you are planing to come. We want to make sure that we have enough Ribs to go around but not way to much. We will be ordering the meat on Friday the 5th so if you can let us know by then. St. Paul and First United Methodist Church are co-sponcering this night. We have some great