Guys, we are two weeks away from our next meeting at Searcy First Assembly of God. This is promising to be another wonderful spirit filled evening with a bunch of guys who love Jesus and are willing to witness to that fact. Guys our vision and mission with SOT is to impact church going men to witness their love for Jesus to other men in their churches. Talk it up in your church and bring a guy from your church who has not been. We have experienced what this kind of event can do to a luke warm heart. There are lot of guys sitting in the pews who believe there is a God but do not have a relationship with Jesus. I know I've been there. Just invite and bring them and let the Holy Spirit do His work. We will be starting with a great (Man's) meal of Pork Chops and all the good stuff that goes with that. Then we will move into the Beautiful sanctuary and have worship, testimonies and what ever His spirit has in store for us. We will start eating at 6:00 this time so we can be sure that we get started by 7:15 in the Worship. We should be on our way home by 8:30. We are going to have a combine worship team, and 3 testimonies from guys at Assembly. St. Paul will have the Crosses there to be pickup for you and your churches if you want to take several. We are preparing for a large crowd so if you have not let us know please do so. Just hit reply and give me a number. God Bless you and yours.
Your Brother in Christ